Welcome to our first edition of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s AMPed Up! Series. These series include a short article on a local Animal, Mineral and Plant. Today’s series [...]
Have you ever wondered when the lake level is lowest? How about when the lake is highest? Do you know how much variance there is between the two? This year, the water level in the lake was lowest [...]
This summer, we are excited to welcome Amira Elwakeel to CLSS as our summer student. Amira was born and raised in Fairmont Hot Springs. She has just finished her fourth year of studying Civil [...]
The Columbia Lake Stewardship Society (CLSS) is a volunteer citizen-based group whose vision is to preserve the near pristine nature of Columbia Lake for current and future generations. Our [...]
Spotlight on Volunteer Frank Carr Frank is a volunteer who has helped out at every shoreline cleanup and weed pull arranged by CLSS! If you see Frank out and about, please join us in thanking him [...]
We recently sent out a survey to learn about how people are interacting with the lake and to find out the major concerns about the lake. The results demonstrated that most people spend 1-2 days [...]
Congratulations to Tom Gerald for winning a copy of the book “Mountain Footsteps”. Hope you enjoy the book Tom! Thank You to everyone else who completed our survey about What is [...]
Introducing our new Summer Student ELLEN STOREY Having just finished her third year at UBC Okanagan majoring in Fresh Water Science, Ellen will be working for CLSS for one of her Co-Op work [...]