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Lake Windermere Recreational Impact and Sediment Quality Assessment 

The two-year long study has been published!
The study looked at the impacts of recreational boating on Lake Windermere. Results suggest concern over power boating due to the lake’s shallow depth and soft bottom sediment, making it very prone to disturbances such as large wake boats. When sediment on the lake bed get stirred up, it unlocks previously stored nutrients, bringing them back into the water column and posing a threat to aquatic life. The study places Lake Windermere in the ‘very high’ category for unsuitability for heavy power boat usage, large power boats and wake surf boats.
The study also established a theoretical carrying capacity of 200 vessels, which in peak tourist season, that capacity is often exceeded.

Recommendations include creating a comprehensive lake management plan with involvement from Indigenous Nations, local government and stakeholders to safeguard fish spawning areas, wetlands, nesting sites and mussel beds. As well as to protect the drinking water source from contaminants.

Read the full study here 
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