Tom Dance is a member of the Spirits Reach Community located on the west side of Columbia Lake. Tom has more than 35 years of experience in assessing water quality in surface water and [...]
Bill Thompson, long time CLSS volunteer, preparing to take water quantity measurements on Dutch Creek Bill Thompson is a retired meteorologist. Much of his experience has focused on water [...]
Lucas was of great assistance to CLSS this summer. With the help of his parents, Gina Fryer and Cesar Fuertes, he supplemented our annual water quality sampling program by sampling 14 locations [...]
Canal Flats has a colourful history including a shooting on the main street! Just ask Colin Cartwright! CLSS hosted a free group tour and lunch on July 21st to give people an [...]
It’s end of summer and was time to say Good-Bye to our great friends Ken and Anne. They have been long-time supporters of the CLSS and will surely be missed. Also Salema, our 2018 [...]
Potential Changes to Zoning on Columbia Lake The Village of Canal Flats is proposing some changes to the bylaws governing the shores of Columbia Lake (CL). They will be receiving written or [...]
It’s Spring! The ice is melting and water is starting to flow again. From my last post about David Thompson and McGillivary’s Portage- Canal Flats area, we indicated there was a [...]
Questions about Pikeminnows in Columbia Lake A Columbia Lake resident recently asked the Columbia Lake Stewardship Society (CLSS) about pikeminnows and the perceived threat to [...]
Lake Windermere Ambassadors Nuisance Nutrients Workshop Wondering what makes algae grow? What feeds the plants growing on the bottom of Lake Windermere? What happens to the fish when they [...]
Over the Rockies to the Columbia River David Thompson wore many hats while working with the North-West fur trading company. He explored, surveyed, mapped and observed much of western Canada as an [...]